Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Postural Screenings in class Wed-Fri 3/31 through 4/2

Postural Screening              
3/31/, 4/1, 4/2  Wednesday-Friday

All students in grades 6, 7, & 8 will be having their initial postural screening during Wellness classes on 3/31, 4/1, and 4/2. For the screening boys will need to be shirtless and wear a pair of shorts and girls will need to wear a pair of shorts with either a bikini top, an open back bathing suit or a halter-top.  Screening will be held in a private area for each student. If your child has an abnormal initial screening result, I will re-screen your child in the coming weeks. If my screening results are also abnormal, you will be notified in writing of these findings. Students with a normal screening result will not be notified.  

We understand that this screening can heighten anxiety in children and, as with any state mandated screening, a child may be excused with a letter provided by the parent, guardian or physician.  This letter needs to include the full name of the child and state that you are excusing him or her from this year's postural screening.  Please be sure that you provide the name of your child's pediatrician or attending physician who routinely screens your child, and date and sign the letter.   If your child has already been diagnosed with scoliosis and is being followed by a physician for scoliosis, please provide the name of that physician as well.  

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