Tuesday, February 24, 2015

8th grade CPR Certification Procedure

Dear Students & Families of 8th graders,
I have started teaching the CPR with AED (Automated External Defibrillator) unit to the 8th grade wellness classes. This unit is taught using the most current curriculum guidelines through the American Heart Association (AHA).  As a certified instructor with the American Heart Association, I am offering to certify any student who would like a certification card after school. Certification is voluntary and will require passing the following skills:
·         Chest compressions
·         Breaths
·         Unconscious choking
·         Conscious choking
·         Differences between care for an adult and care for a child age 1-8
·         AED set up and use
Any interested student can make an appointment with me on an individual basis to take the skills test.
This certification card will be valid for 2 years from the issue date and does not include infant (age 0-12 months).
Certification cards will be $6. Please make checks payable to Wayland Middle School and put “CPR cert.” in the memo.  Please have your child deliver the checks to me.

Let me know if you have any questions.